FunnelFlux + FatAds

How to set up ads tracking with FatAds and Funnel Flux

Published 31/01/2025 by FatAds team

Not feeling lucky with setting S2S postback at Funnel Flux tracker?

Fortunately for you, here’s a complete guide on how to set up ads tracking at Funnel Flux properly by FatAds ad network!

How to setup ads tracking at Funnel Flux: a detailed guide by FatAds

Here, we listed the main points of postback integration process at Funnel Flux ad tracker:

  1. Connecting FatAds as traffic source at Funnel Flux.
    In this part we will show how to add advertising networks like FatAds at Funnel Flux tracker for data collection on traffic sources.
  2. Connecting an offer source with Funnel Flux.
    In order to get up-to-date insights on conversions the CPA-networks gather, we will show how to add an affiliate network to Funnel Flux.
  3. Setting up conversion tracking for the offer at Funnel Flux.
    By connecting the exact offer to Funnel Flux it will ensure the accurate data collection and attribution.
  4. Creating an ads tracking campaign at Funnel Flux.
    We will also show how to unify all the connected sources into a single conversion tracking funnel at Funnel Flux.

Stage 1

How to connect an advertising network to Funnel Flux

Funnel Flux already contains a variety of advertising platforms integrated, including FatAds ad network, so you just need to find it and select it as a traffic source in the tracker. To do that:

  1. Add a new traffic source at Funnel Flux.
    Proceed to the ‘Traffic Sources’ tab at Funnel Flux, then click the ‘Create New’ button.How to add a new traffic source to Funnel Flux tracker
  2. Select FatAds traffic source template.
    Start typing the name of the advertising network, then select the needed template item below.How to add advertising networks in FunnelFlux
  3. Save the added advertising network.
    Click the ‘Save & Create New’ button to complete adding FatAds as the traffic source in Funnel Flux.How to connect FatAds with Funnel Flux

We have just added FatAds as a traffic source at Funnel Flux, that’s it? Yes, but then we need to add an affiliate network!

Stage 2

How to add a CPA-network to Funnel Flux

Connecting affiliate networks to Funnel Flux tracker is also easily accessible by pre-made templates you can just select. For a proper set up, you need to:

  1. Add a new CPA-network to Funnel Flux.
    Go to the ‘Offer Sources’ tab at Funnel Flux, then click the ‘Create New’ button.How to add a new affiliate network to Funnel Flux affiliate marketing tracker
  2. Find the needed affiliate network.
    Start typing the name of the affiliate network, in our case it’s LeadBit, then click on the needed item below to select.How to integrate CPA networks to Funnel Flux
  3. Copy the postback URL and save changes.
    Proceed to the ‘Conversion Tracking’ tab, where you need to copy the ‘Postback URL’ field and save it. Then, click the ‘Save’ button to complete adding the affiliate network.Where to find postback URL at Funnel Flux tracker

Well, an affiliate network is successfully connected to the Funnel Flux tracker, now what? After that, we need to add a CPA-offer to the tracker for precise conversion data collection.

Stage 3

How to set up a CPA-offer conversion tracking at Funnel Flux

This step is demonstrated by adding a CPA-offer given to us by LeadBit, though the process specifics depend on a CPA-network, so be in contact with the Funnel Flux support team in case any problems occur.

Meanwhile, to add a CPA-offer in Funnel Flux tracker:

  1. Choose the offer in the CPA network.
    For example, in LeadBit you need to find the ‘Offers’ tab, and click the ‘Create tracking URL’ button on the required item.How to set up affiliate offer for tracking in Funnel Flux
  2. Specify the general offer info.
    While creating a tracking flow, you need to customize its name, specify the traffic source and choose a landing page.How to adjust CPA offer for ads tracking
  3. Insert the postback URL.
    Scroll down to ‘Statistics transmission setup’ and insert the earlier copied postback URL link for the required actions to be monitored. Then, scroll down again and press the ‘Create flow’ button to save changes.Where to put postback URL from Funnel Flux
  4. Find the tracking flow.
    Proceed to the ‘Tracking URL’ tab at LeadBit, then click the paper clip icon for the just created tracking flow.Where to find ads tracking link for offers
  5. Save the tracking URL.
    Copy the field with the tracking URL and save it.Where to get tracking URL for Funnel Flux
  6. Add a new offer at Funnel Flux tracker.
    Proceed to the ‘Offers’ tab at Funnel Flux, then click the ‘Create New’ button.How to add a new CPA offers for ads tracking in Funnel Flux
  7. Specify the offer tracking details and save changes.
    While creating the flow for tracking an offer at Funnel Flux, you need to name it, specify the offer source and insert the just copied tracking URL link from the affiliate network into the ‘Base Offer URL’ field.

    After everything is adjusted accordingly, press the ‘Save’ button to complete adding an offer to the tracker.How to set up offers for conversion tracking at Funnel Flux

Now we’ve added all the required sources for ads tracking at Funnel Flux, then what?

Stage 4

How to create a conversion tracking campaign at Funnel Flux

Now you need to connect all the added sources into a single ads tracking funnel at Funnel Flux affiliate marketing tracker, so the data collecting process will attribute all the metrics across them. To adjust everything properly, you need to:

  1. Add a new tracking campaign at Funnel Flux.
    Proceed to the ‘Funnels’ tab at Funnel Flux tracker, then click the ‘Create New’ button to create a new campaign.How to create a new ads tracking funnel in Funnel Flux
  2. Choose a funnel type.
    Here, you may choose various funnels and flow types for tracking ads. We recommend using the most ordinary one by selecting ‘Create Simple Flow’.How to set up ads tracking campaign in Funnel Flux
  3. Specify the flow’s general info.
    Initially you need to select a parenting group for the flow and name the funnel, while you can just stick to the default options.Setting up conversion tracking flows at Funnel Flux
  4. Adjust funnel paths.
    Proceed to the ‘Configure Paths’ tab, then click the pen icon near the ‘Default Path’ item to start editing it.How to make tracking funnel at Funnel Flux tracker
  5. Set up offers and landers.
    Here, you can adjust landing pages and offers for the ads tracking funnel, while initially you just need to add the earlier created one by clicking ‘Add Offer Group’ then selecting the item.

    After every required item in the path is set up, click the ‘Save’ button.How to set CPA offers in tracking campaigns at Funnel Flux
  6. Select routing for the path.
    Proceed to the ‘Configure Routing’ tab, then select the ‘Default Path’ you’ve just set up.How to set up ads tracking in Funnel Flux
  7. Create the tracking flow.
    Proceed to the ‘Advanced Flow Settings’ tab, then select FatAds as the traffic source for ‘Incoming Traffic Cost Override’. After that, click the ‘Save’ button to accept changes.How to connect FatAds for ads tracking in Funnel Flux
  8. Get to the funnel editing mode.
    In the ‘Funnels’ tab find the just created flow, then click the pen-writing item next to it.How to create an ads tracking campaigns at Funnel Flux affiliate marketing tracker
  9. Copy the tracking campaign URL.
    Proceed to the ‘Get Redirect Links’ tab here, then specify FatAds as the ‘Traffic Source’ and ‘Default Path’ as the ‘Destination’. After that the generated campaign URL will be automatically adjusted: copy and save it.How to set up postback integration at Funnel Flux
  10. Insert the campaign URL at FatAds.
    In the campaign’s editing mode at FatAds paste the previously copied link in the ‘Destination URL’ field.How to connect FatAds advertising network with Funnel Flux tracker


Though it might seem very sophisticated at first glance, setting up conversion tracking at Funnel Flux is a piece of cake! Many sources like FatAds advertising network, various CPA-networks and offer connecting templates are already integrated with the tracker, so you just need to put them together. Also, you can have a peek at our other guides on setting up ads tracking solutions!

Start profiting off advertising campaigns with FatAds unique self-serve ad platform!